⟡ Echo | She/They | 26 ⟡

Hi, I'm Echo!I make a wide range of art for multiple fandoms-- but I am most fond of character creation and story telling. When I'm not on the Zine grind, you'll find me doodling my characters or the characters of whatever I'm very fixated on at the time! I've been an artist for well over a decade and I spent a lot of time focusing on my craft. I've grown so fond of pushing boundaries and trying new things with my art to keep it fun and fresh for myself-- it's been a great way to keep myself from feeling burnt out!

⟡ Goals I'm currently working toward ⟡

-Start a Vgen for commissions
-Open my online shop
-Finish the first draft of my book

⟡ Features ⟡

The First S☆und: Mod(2025)
Twisted Lullaby: Organizer/Head Mod(2024)
Once Upon a Synth: Participant (2024)
The First S☆und: Participant (2024)
Galasynth: Participant (2023)

⟡ FAQ ⟡

What tools/programs do you use?

I use an 10th Gen ipad & Apple Pencil. I mostly create my work in procreate, but I've been testing out Clip Studio as well.

Do you support AI?

Absolutely not. I am very vocal about my stance on AI and NFT's alike. I do not allow my art to be used for any NFT/AI purposes.

How long have you been an artist?

I have been working on art for well over 12 years. I am self-taught, I am the only artist in my family actually! I'm incredibly grateful to have such amazing friends in the art community that have been beside me supporting me all this time!

Who Created your Logo?

I commissioned my best friend, Hazuki, to create my logo! She did a fantastic job. Please check out her website and all of her work!

⟡ My Work ⟡

I pride myself in my ability to flex my style to fit the subject matter. You will find very 'cutsey' pieces right beside more serious, darker artwork. To view a larger selection of my art, please check out my socials.

For any inquiries, you may contact me at the following:

[email protected]

You may also reach out to me across any of my socials below.

⟡ Echo's Commissions Terms of Service ⟡


I have the right to refuse any commission & I retain the rights to my work. You may use finished pieces on your social media as long as I am properly credited and my water marks are left on the artwork*. If you do not comply with my terms of service, I retain the right to stop working on the piece and you will not be eligible for refund.

*I do take commissions for things such as PV's, games, stream setups, etc... i have a separate ToS and rules for this type of commission, please contact me for more information.


Full payment is required before I begin working on your artwork. Refunds will not be given once I have started work. I take payment via Paypal, Venmo, or Cashapp.


I will keep in contact with you in each step of the process so you may give me any notes for revisions. If I am in the rendering phase and you request a revision that requires me to make a huge change to the piece, an added fee will be applied.